Annual report and finding
by Peter Mosinskis, Director of IT Strategy in annual report 0
We've recently completed and sent an annual report about the first year of our project and portfolio management program to Division staff and key campus stakeholders.
The report is presented as a 14-minute narrated presentation. It discusses the goals, successes and challenges of the program from the perspective of our customers, and summarizes the feedback that campus stakeholders provided to us a questionnaire sent at the end of September.
Here are a few key finding from the report:
- Capacity is key. We opened 46 new projects during our first year, and completed 76 projects (66% of which were legacy projects). As of November 1, 2011, we have 42 open projects. On average, 86% of T&C staff time is spent on support of operations, leaving only 14% of time for projects. More importantly, over 80% of T&C staff spent less than 20% of their time on projects over the last year. The Division's ability to complete projects on time, on budget and to our customers' satisfaction is directly tied to our capacity to take on projects, and the division must take care to ensure that it has the capacity to take on new projects.
- While the tools could be improved, they have paid for themselves. Although staff reactions to using Freshbooks to track time for project and cost-recovery activity tasks has been mixed, the use of this tool has enabled us to fully recover the cost of the service. In addition, staff spent less than 100 hours total over the course of the year tracking time on project tasks.
- We met our initial goals. We are now able to make better strategic decisions because we have data; we have created a process that has enabled us to correct problems as we move along and stay flexible to adapt to projects of different sizes; and most importantly, we have created more predictable project outcomes for our customers. 77% of our completed projects were completed on time, and all were within 5% of their proposed budget.
Members of the campus community that wish to view the narrated presentation may request a link to the presentation by contacting me via email at
In other news, we've recently reorganized and updated the T&C Projects web site to make it easier than ever for our customers to find project information and submit new project requests.
We look forward to working with our customers and Division staff to continue to improve our project service over the next year, and we wish happy holidays to you and yours!