Project intake process goes live

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Over the past few months, we've been working on formalizing our process for taking in new projects.

This is the first element in any project management business process, and probably the most important. Project risk is always highest at the beginning of the project, so making sure that the project intake process is thoughtful and useful can help reduce that risk.

So how does the process work? In a nutshell:

  1. A client submits a  project request
  2. A&IT staff are assigned to that request
  3. A&IT staff gather high-level project information, and assemble a Project Charter
  4. The project is given initial approval by the client & A&IT.
  5. The project charter information is archived and published in our Project Repository and added to our Project Calendar.
We've tried to keep the process as light as possible:
  1. Small projects only need the assigned A&IT manager's approval to continue
  2. Medium & large projects will need the CIO's approval

In addition, you can read about our complete business practice for project intake in MS Word format (to view, download Microsoft Office).

In the next few months, we'll make both the Project Repository and Project Calendar available to the public; they are both currently stored in our internal SharePoint instance.

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