Hi there! I'm Peter Mosinskis, IT Project Supervisor. I work in the Division of Academic & Information Technology (A&IT) at CSU Channel Islands. My primary responsibility is to help A&IT lead and manage technology projects in support of its strategic plan and the mission of the University.
A&IT at CI provides central support for technology issues to the University. Our division consists of over 40 staff and student assistants that support both day-to-day technology operations and projects.
Resources are always limited to support University operations and projects, so as an organization, A&IT must always make strategic decisions about:
- what projects and operations to support;
- how to support them; and
- when to support them.
This is where project management can help.
According to the PMI Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK) Guide, project management is "the application of knowledge, skills, tools, and techniques to project activities in order to meet project requirements."
Project management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques help A&IT (and the University as a whole):
- Get projects done according to customer requirements
- Get projects done on-time and within budget
- Manage project risk
- Facilitate communication to the campus community about A&IT project activities from start-to-finish.
The 4th benefit really is key: the main reason to use project management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques is to enhance communication about project activities with project customers and stakeholders.
In future posts, we'll dive into more detail about what a project is, and how A&IT will use project management knowledge, skills, tools and techniques to facilitate communication about A&IT projects and issues, as well as definitions of common terminology.
So where are we now?
- We have a project management web site (www.csuci.edu/it/projects)
- We have this blog.
- We're developing and implementing project management process within IT, starting with project intake.
We're starting small, and poised to grow quickly. Stay tuned to this blog for latest news on A&IT project management at CI. In the meanwhile, if you have any questions about project management, you can email me at peter.mosinskis AT csuci.edu, or post comments to this blog.